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Outgrowing Milk and Egg Allergy

Jan 07, 2023
Outgrowing Milk and Egg Allergy
A new study showed that the majority of kids who could tolerate baked egg or baked milk who had been allergic to milk/egg were able to tolerate non-baked egg/milk with an average of 4-5 months after being able to eat the baked version of the food.

A new study showed that the majority of kids who could tolerate baked egg or baked milk who had been allergic to milk/egg were able to tolerate non-baked egg/milk with an average of 4-5 months after being able to eat the baked version of the food.

This means it could be a good sign if your egg/milk allergic child is able to eat the baked variety of their allergy.

For the article see this link (comes from December Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Journal page 742-750): https://www.annallergy.org/.../S1081-1206(22.../fulltext